Well this is it. The unedited first day of school picture. (We'll see what the after looks like later!) It all went alright..... we started the morning of pretty early, to allow for time to be silly and have breakfast all three of us. After that we piled into Nick's work truck (this is quite the novelty for Sam!) and went for a little drive to calm his nervous stomach! He was pretty excited all morning, until we got there. He saw some firmiliar faces, met a boy named Evan who is in his class, then headed towards the line up. The whole thing went alright...... until the bell rang!! He was squeezing my hand so tight, I couldn't let go if I tried, and then the tears began! I walked him into where the kids hang up their coats, and switch their shoes.....and there was little Evan again, hanging his little school bag right next to Sam's! Anyhow, I walked Sam into his classroom, net his lovely teacher, and all the other moms!, and he pulled up a chair right next to Evan. He didn't want to have too many people watching so I left, helped eleviate an awkward situation (ask me about it in person!) and said good bye! Nick was great, he didn't even tease me when I got home and started to cry because I saw Kitty Cat, Sam's beloved best friend. Nothing monumental happens without Kitty, well until today that was. So, until 2:45pm it'll be just me and Kitty (I've been apointed to babysit him!) and a mad cleaning frenzy!! Until next time.....
1 comment:
Hey Jessica,
Hope this blogging experience turns out better :)
Love yah and miss you!!
Joanna for everyone
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